Pipelines and Integrity

Caltech’s pipeline services focus on getting energy, water, and carbon products to market with major pipeline services that are tailor-made for this industry.
We offer effective solutions to put you on the right path to success throughout the entire lifecycle: from route selection to construction, and from legal requirements to technical regulations.
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Route Selection:
+ 3D fly-through
+ Terrain modeling
+ Pipeline route optimization
Pre-Legal & Design:
+ Documentation searches
+ Control Network surveys
+ Control surveys
+ Crossing surveys
+ Watercourse surveys
+ Ground profile surveys
+ Geotechnical support surveys
+ Environmental support surveys
+ Grade support surveys
+ Facility survey
+ Preliminary surveys
Regulatory Application Process:
+ Plans and maps required for provincial and national projects
+ Regulatory boards
Construction Flagging & As-Built:
+ Control network surveys
+ Pre-construction staking
+ Pipe tally
+ Engineering design layout
+ Weld mapping & pipe reconciliation
+ 3D pipe as-built
+ Facility as-builts
Legal surveys:
+ Legal right-of-way surveys
+ Land Titles plan registration
At Caltech, we understand pipelines are essential to our quality of life. Transporting energy, water and carbon products safely and efficiently is key, and services like pipeline and integrity surveys go a long way to alleviating safety concerns. Today pipeline operators are faced with numerous challenges, including the maintenance of existing infrastructure. Investing in maintenance solutions is vital to extending pipeline network longevity and safety.
We can help. At Caltech, our team will work with you to identify current or potential issues and will support your on-going maintenance in pipelines or facility sites.
Our surveying, geospatial, and GIS services are your path to success.
Pipeline and facility integrity services include:
+ Regulatory mapping
+ Route and asset mapping
+ Access mapping
+ Project webmaps
+ Facility site surveys
+ Depth of cover surveys
+ Pipeline profile surveys
+ Deformation surveys
+ Terrain modelling
+ Dig site surveys
+ Above ground marker (AGM) surveys
+ Inline Inspection (ILI) support
+ Watercourse crossing surveys
+ Cathodic protection surveys
+ Abandonment surveys
+ Construction staking
+ Line locating and four-way sweeps
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